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Polígono Industrial TABERNABARRI Pabellones 6-7 / 48215 IURRETA (Bizkaia) / Tel: +34 946 232 846 / Fax:+34 946 819 311
Coor. GPS: 43º10´51″ N -2º39´38″O

The North branch, located in the area of Durango, has large facilities inagurated in the beginning of 2008. With a total surface of 1.500 m2, distributed between show room and applications area, in addition to a spare parts storage area and service department on the ground floor.

The North branch aims at offering sales, technical and specific engineering applications services to the customers from Basque Country, Navarra, Cantabria, Logroño, Burgos y Asturias.


Pedro Zapata

Area Director

(+34) 690 614 483

Luis Ibeas

Service Manager

Aintzane Lequerica

Customer Service

(+34) 94 623 28 46

Araitz Bonilla

Service Department Assistant

(+34) 94 623 28 46

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